Note to First Time Users.

This site will use a shared Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for security. The nature of SSL is to secure a pathway from your computer to a single domain so that no 'eves-dropping' can accrue. You may have noticed this on other sites by the 'lock' icon in the lower right corner of your browser. Also, the http:// in your address bar changes to https:// indicating a secure channel. Anyone that is trying to get your passwords or just eves-dropping on this part of the site will have a much harder time doing so.

Because SSL cost money there is a shared SSL that can be used. However, a shared SSL is shared across several domains causes a warning when you access the site. Don't worry with this site, it is safe. To get around the shared SSL browser warning, just click on the link below and fallow their directions.
Getting around the Shared SSL browser warning

Depending on how this site does and how often people use it will determine whether or not we get our own SSL. Now that you understand that a warning will popup, and it is nothing to do with you. It is OK to proceed to register or log into the site.

Please Note: There is only going to be just a select few who gets access to the database. Unless you are a Deacon, Preacher or Sunday School Teacher at ABBC, you will not be given access to anything.

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